Day Five – Generous Supporters

Yesterday I spent much of the day corresponding with churches and families in the States that support our ministry in England. Most of these e-mails revolved around the ten week trip to America and the schedule we will be keeping. We’re CIMG0425endeavouring to visit 28 churches in seven different states with travel in 13 states and the District of Columbia from the last week in January through the first week in April 2014. We’re a little over half way through the macro logistics of the schedule.

What can we say about our supporting friends and church families that come from 16 different states? They are amazing and generous and so accommodating as we put legs on the schedule. We want to serve them and bless them and encourage them and tell stories as best we can, but not all of them will be able to host us at what is their best and optimum time to do so. We feel disappointed and a bit guilty, actually, that we can’t do more to express our gratitude in more substantial and meaningful ways.

There will be many we won’t even get to see. I’m gutted that it will be unlikely we get to see Sandi and Doug, longtime friends from our home church 25 years ago in Oregon that now reside on the East Coast but a fair distance to travel. We cannot seem to squeeze those extra miles into the travel diary. Sandi makes the best cinnamon rolls in the world and we won’t be able to taste them. More importantly, we won’t be able to sit and share conversation and coffee and friendship that stands the test of time. That makes us sad.

On the other hand, we’ll get to see Miss Peggy, a southern woman of hospitality, humility, and godliness that warms our hearts just thinking of her! She has hosted us in her home many times for weeks on end and still loves us, and we sure love Peggy and her sisters Betty and Nadine. Hugs are a comin’ Peggy and sisters!

Yes, there will be a certain fatigue and weariness from the grind of travel and heads rested on beds not our own. But you can be sure that there will be gratitude for these friends and supporters, every one, welling up from our hearts to our heavenly Father.


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